We set off to Thomas Adams to compete in the U16 North Shropshire Badminton tournament.
Sabbu, Susanna, Jenny, and Cynthia with Amaris as the support (unfortunately she was injured so couldn’t play but wanted to watch) arrive at Thomas Adams and make their way down to the courts. The girls start to warm up and it is at that point that Amaris asks, “can I play?”. “No, you are injured,” is my reply, “you are only here to support”. If she asks me once she asks me five times if she can play. She is now realising that watching can be very frustrating.
The first match starts and we are up against Moreton Hall. Well they have a player who is VERY good. I then find out that she runs the badminton club and looking at her she would definitely be the strongest play in Shropshire for her age if she played for the County team. It doesn’t matter how hard Susanna and Sabbu try, they just can’t keep it from her. Unfortunately it is a heavy loss by both pairs as Moreton’s 2nd pair also had a very strong player.
The next three matches are all very close.The girls are getting a bit more aggressive and moving faster but we just can’t kill the shuttle at times. We have some great rallies, a few frame shots (they are always the best ones) and lots of determination. Both pairs are improving and after a very narrow loss they win, then a one point loss to finish, but some excellent play and they followed the game plan perfectly, so no complaints for me. I was also very proud of the way they handled the gamesmanship displayed by the opposition in this game.
A very commendable 3rd place, due to the number of points they had managed to gather in their games.
Well done girls!
Categories: Achievement