What should you consider when choosing a Sixth Form?
Sixth Form is an exciting opportunity for students to take the first steps into their future. Where you study will affect how your journey goes, so it’s important to think in detail about the subject you want to study and where you want to study them
After a successful journey through senior school, many students will simply continue their journey with the same school because it is familiar and that is often the best choice. We love to welcome our senior school students who progress on to our Sixth form and watch them grow into leaders of the school who set an example for the younger girls.
If you are moving into the Sixth form soon, here are some points you may want to consider:
Which subjects do you want to study?
At this stage in your education, it’s important to study the subjects that you enjoy. If you have a specific career path in mind, there will be subjects that are necessary for you as a requirement to progress. Don’t choose a subject because your friend is doing it or because your parents told you to. If you have no idea where to start, that’s OK too. We have trained advisors that can support you in choosing the best subjects to support a successful future. The Sixth form can be challenging and the workload increases, so choosing subjects that you are passionate about will make the whole experience more manageable and enjoyable.
What else does the Sixth form have to offer?
At Sixth form, students get the chance to spread their wings as they become more independent and take the next steps to adulthood. When you move into the world of work, you will find that good grades are not enough. You need to demonstrate more about yourself, your interest and hobbies and your aspirations. With this in mind, think about how your years at Sixth form can provide positive experiences not just for your education, but for your overall personal development too.
- What extra-curricular activities are on offer?
- Do they have good sports and fitness facilities?
- Do they have links with businesses in your field of interest that offer work experience placements?
- Do they organise regular trips for both education and enjoyment?
- Will I enjoy it here?
- How do they support wellbeing and mental health?
What are your goals after Sixth form?
Most students progress to University after Sixth form and many get a place at their first choice. Navigating the UCAS application process can be overwhelming, so our girls receive individualised UCAS & Careers support, including Oxbridge guidance. Choose a Sixth form that aligns with your goals and values and ask about their achievement and success stories in the areas you wish to study. Your Sixth form experience will have a big impact on your future, whether that be your career or further education.
We wish you the best of luck with your future.
Categories: Adcote School Blog