Shakespeare ‘Dead’ but Alive with Adcote

Posted: 28th April 2016

The Battlements of Shrewsbury Castle echoed to the sound of young voices quoting lines by the Bard as two companies of actors from Adcote School performed scenes from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. One company was made up of girls from Year 7 and the second was a team of Senior girls with year 7 actors playing the fairy roles. A total of 40 girls were able to experience the unique setting. Crowds of visitors and family members were entertained with acting, original music, singing, poetry and costumes of the highest quality.

The play was adapted and directed by Drama teacher Danny Davies who included poems by Shropshire’s renowned poet Mary Webb, including her famous ‘Fairy-Led’ poem ‘ which fitted in exactly into our version’ said Mr Davies. The play has an original score by Music teacher Caroline Besterman, that accompanied one of Shakespeare’s poems and was sung beautifully by a group of year 7 ‘fairies’.  The School would like to send special thanks to Mrs Meg Cooke who had the difficult task of stage managing the productions.

The play is being repeated at 3pm on 2nd May during the next Adcote School Open Day.

All are welcome to attend. To reserve your seat and for further information please contact the Adcote School Office on 01939 260202 or by e-mail on

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