Last weekend saw a steady stream of young people arrive at Adcote School for a heart screening event. The free heart test was funded by the registered charity, CRY, Cardiac Risk in the Young, in memory of Matthew Dewhirst from Oswestry who died suddenly in 2012 aged 17 of undetected heart failure. Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions.
The participants, who had pre-registered on-line, were mostly aged 14 – 35 and Dr Alexandros Steriotis, Clinical Researcher for Cardiomyopathy at St. Barts in London and his staff of three technicians were kept very busy conducting the ECG screenings and analysing the results. Some of the young people then had a further test. Out of the 206 participants, two were referred back to their GPs for further testing. Also present was Operations Manager for the charity, Ralph Knocks.
Adcote School was delighted to host the event and support such a worthwhile cause.
For further information about educational opportunities or information about organising an event at Adcote School, please contact the School Office on 01939 260202 or by e-mail on
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