Of course we welcome new faces here at Adcote – but a horse, followed by a gorilla and now at the start of the autumn term….a stag?
We are very lucky to enjoy a partnership with British Ironworks, of Oswestry, which sees a selection of the very best metalwork sculptures on display here in our grounds.
We never know what is going to appear next!
First it was a gargantuan iron horse who stayed long enough to have an entire anthology of poetry dedicated to him.
Then it was a blue gorilla – who hung about for a ‘Gorilla Selfie Competition’ – before disappearing into the undergrowth for a few weeks and then finally moving off.
At the start of this autumn term, the girls came back to school to find a beautiful iron stag staring out over to the Breidden Hills across the stunning playing fields and park-lands of Adcote.
Categories: Head's Blog