OUR sixth form induction programme saw girls from Years 12 and 13 coming together to complete team building challenges on their first day back at school.
Working together in their houses, the girls tackled a number of challenges including climbing through hoops (literally not metaphorically – we don’t do that here) and sending a ping pong ball along a leaky pipe (we might have a few of those…).
There were shrieks of laughter and much cheering from the Great Hall as girls held hands to pass round a hula hoop.
The event was organised by our dedicated new head of sixth form Nicola Bignell, who said: “A productive and enthusiastic sixth form is based upon good relationships between the girls. We have girls of many different backgrounds and nationalities here and we strive to create a supportive community in which all personalities can flourish.
“We recognise that friendships and mutual understanding are key to that. We want our girls to bounce off and inspire one another.”
Categories: Engagement Leadership