Cathy was promoting her new book ‘Broken Heart Club’ and gave a delightful and hilarious talk to our Year 5-8 girls as well as school children from St George’s and Baschurch Primary Schools.
She told the children her favourite subject at school was daydreaming(!) and spoke about the process of writing a book and how she develops characters in her stories.
She was very impressed to hear that Adcote had its own Journalists Club and was pleased to be answering questions posed by the club.
Feedback from our girls was excellent. Maddie Stone, Year 5, thought it was hilarious that Cathy’s first book (written at the age of 7 for her baby brother) was subsequently eaten by him!
Beth Embrey, Year 6, was interested to see that she used a mood board for her ideas before she started writing and Freya Moxley liked hearing about all the different books she read as a child.
Hattie Candler said:
Categories: Events“It was great to hear that she got inspiration from her readers and that she appreciated her fan base”.