What a Fashion Show!

Posted: 11th February 2019

The applause, cheers and whoops from the crowd said it all! Adcote models strutted their stuff, danced, sang and struck a pose on the catwalk to put on a spectacular Fashion Show.

Parents, grandparents, students and teachers packed the Great Hall to watch in awe as students from Years 3 to 9 modelled outfits they had designed and made, inspired by fashions of the 1960s, ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s.

They showed great confidence, a professional attitude and their whole approach to the project was highly creative.

The stunning hair, expertly applied make-up and choreography was brilliant. And show hosts, Sabbu and Mr O’Connor, did an excellent job too.

The project was led by textiles teacher Michelle Warner who couldn’t have been more proud or thrilled.

“After a few pre-show tensions the fashion show proved to be a great success. I was extremely proud of how well the girls performed,” she said.

“They confidently presented and accentuated the different styles and eras of their created outfits. The atmosphere was enhanced by the addition of appropriate dance music tracks and a very supportive audience.

“I would like to thank the staff, parents and pupils, who took time out of their busy schedules, to help, choreograph and present the show which was an excellent collaborative event.”

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Categories: Confidence Engagement